Today's Paper | June 30, 2024

Published 15 Dec, 2023 07:06am

False hope

THE ongoing genocidal action by the Zionist Netanyahu government has exposed its fundamentalist, extremist nature. Its coalition parties are, United Torah Judaism, Religious Zionist Party and the National Unity Party.

One of Israel’s ministers, Avi Dichter, has talked about “flattening Gaza”. Another minister, Amichai Eliyahu, has suggested dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza. There was a time when the United States and its Nato allies used to raise

a false alarm, citing the dangerous possibility of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons falling into the hands of extremists.

It never happened, and, of course, it will never happen. In case of threats issued by Israel’s extremist ministers, nothing of the sort has happened. The West is perfectly comfortable with all this N-talk by Israeli ministers.

The Zionist extremists have got access to Israel’s nuclear weapons. The majority of US Democrats are of the opinion that Israel has gone too far in its military actions in Gaza, and are critical of US President Joe Biden’s handling of the crisis.

Senator Bernie Sanders, for instance, wrote in a piece that the “blank cheque approach by the US must end”.

As the world watches on, the West, led as always by the US, is continuing to play its never-ending dirty game in Palestine.

Abid Mahmud Ansari

Published in Dawn, December 15th, 2023

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