Today's Paper | July 06, 2024

Published 08 Jan, 2024 07:11am

A futile exercise

THE government’s initiative to start anti- encroachment operation in Lahore is one of the many such so-called ‘opera- tions’ that have been seen in the past. None of those operations could have a long-term impact. The social menace of encroachment has survived all operations, and continues to be alive and kicking with even more energy and strength than ever.

If the current government is really sincere about the operation, it should start with the encroachments made by the government departments. This is mostly done by not allowing the pedestrians to use pavements owing to a generally vague sense of security.

Other reasons in this regard include building of checkposts and installation of backup generators. This, again, forces the pedestrians to walk on the roads, risking their lives and creating traffic hazards.

The encroachments by businesses, whether street vendors, kiosks, banks or shops cordoning off pavements or even parking spots on the roads, do not come into existence overnight or without the active collaboration of civic or law-enforcement agencies.

Things being what they are, the current anti-encroachment operation is bound to remain just a cosmetic exercise as has always been the case.

With the country in the election mode, there is even less chance of anybody trying to offend anyone because, after all, every vote counts. Things will be back to ‘normal’ within weeks, if not days.

Ayub Malik

Published in Dawn, January 8th, 2024

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