Today's Paper | September 23, 2024

Updated 01 Feb, 2024 11:57am

Editorial: What new depths will the state plumb as it makes clear its antipathy towards Imran?

TWO verdicts in two days. A 14-year sentence for ‘corruption’ to accompany a 10-year sentence for ‘divulging state secrets’. First, his top lieutenant, and now his spouse also convicted and jailed.

And still, former prime minister Imran Khan’s troubles are far from over. What new depths will the state plumb as it makes clear its antipathy towards him?

The days leading up to the Feb 8 elections may hold more ‘surprises’. For now, we may only sit and spectate as facts, procedures, laws and institutions bend to the will of those who think that no elected leader deserves a free pass — until they decide they do.

A word, too, on NAB, an institution that seems to exist only to cycle through political targets based on the whims of the powers that be.

Read the full editorial here.

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