Today's Paper | July 06, 2024

Published 02 Feb, 2024 08:02am

Formidable challenges

AS general elections are just around the corner, a new government will soon take over the reins of the country. It is obvious that formidable challenges await the next government. For the last several years, Pakistan has been grappling with problems. Things, however, have never been worse than what is the case today.

The youth bulge, constituting 64pc of the population, has become a matter of concern when it should have been a strength. Due to burgeoning unemploy-ment, young people are frustrated as they remain unproductive. This, naturally, has far-reaching economic and social repercussions.

The next government, regardless of who ends up heading it, will be well advised to focus on the core issues that are affecting the lives of the masses. First and foremost, economic revival should be at the top of the government’s agenda. Besides, there should be political certainty, which is only possible if all the relevant stakeholders are willing to keep their self-serving interests aside, and give priority to the national interest.

Fahad Zafar Solangi

Published in Dawn, February 2nd, 2024

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