Today's Paper | July 04, 2024

Published 10 Feb, 2024 02:22pm

US, UK and EU urge probe into Pakistan elections, express concerns

The United States, Britain and the European Union have separately expressed concerns about Pakistan’s electoral process in the wake of a vote on Thursday and urged a probe into reported irregularities, Reuters reports.

The US and the EU both mentioned allegations of interference, including arrests of activists, and added that claims of irregularities, interference and fraud should be fully investigated.

The EU statement noted a “lack of a level playing field”, attributing that to “the inability of some political actors to contest the elections” and to restrictions to freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and internet access.

Some US lawmakers such as Democratic US Representatives Ro Khanna and Ilhan Omar also expressed concerns, with Khanna saying “the military is interfering and rigging the result.”

Both Khanna and Omar urged the State Department not to recognise a winner until investigations are conducted into allegations of misconduct.

The EU, the U.S. and Britain said they would work with the next government and did not congratulate any candidate or party.

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