Today's Paper | July 06, 2024

Published 06 May, 2024 02:09pm

Netanyahu asked Qatar to fund Hamas in 2018 letter: report

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2018 asked the Qatari government to continue transferring $30m to the Gaza Strip monthly, Al Jazeera reports quoting the Israeli Ynet news site, which cites “a secret letter” sent to the Gulf state’s leadership.

The publication said the letter has only been seen by a handful of people since being sent by Netanyahu.

In the letter, the prime minister said that funding Hamas would preserve regional stability and avert a humanitarian crisis, according to Ynet.

After Qatari officials demanded further assurances, the US government agreed to a request from Netanyahu and sent an additional letter to Doha that, in effect, ensured Qatar that funding Hamas would not be considered funding terror, the report said, adding that the letters from Netanyahu and then-US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin ultimately “satisfied the Qataris”.

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