Today's Paper | July 05, 2024

Published 07 Jun, 2024 06:35am

Torrential rain triggers flash flood in Chitral

CHITRAL: Torrential rain lashed the Kalash valley and villages of Ayun, Broze and Chitral town on Thursday triggering flash flood inundating the fields and orchards.

The roads to Kalash valleys of Bamburate and Rumbur as well as Peshawar Road at Broze remained closed to vehicular traffic for many hours. The families living near the passageway of the flood left their homes for safer places and returned after the torrential rain stopped.

The passengers on Bamburate road reopened the road on self-help basis to restore the traffic, which included a large number of tourists’ vehicles.

Meanwhile, an alleged attempt of suicide by a young woman in Jughoor village of Chitral town was foiled by her family members, who rushed her to the hospital soon after she consumed some poisonous substance.

An official of city police station told Dawn that the woman had been admitted to the emergency ward of DHQ hospital, where doctors were striving hard to save her life.

Published in Dawn, June 7th, 2024

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