Today's Paper | October 07, 2024

Published 06 Oct, 2001 12:00am

Massive Afghan relief action urged

ISLAMABAD, Oct 5: A group of 19 international NGOs on Friday called upon the United States and its allies, the United Nations, the Taliban and the Northern Alliance to formally recognise the need for an independent, non-political humanitarian action of massive proportions for Afghanistan.

“We ask them to guarantee safe passage of food and other aid by the UN and NGOs while the opportunity exists to do so before the onset of winter,” said a joint statement.

The NGOs, which issued the statement, include: Action Contre la Faim, Aide Medicale International, Care International, Acted, Action Aid Pakistan, Concern, Dacaar, Global Relief Foundation, Madera, Medair, Mercy Corps, Ockenden International, Oxfam, SGAA, Save the Children US, Solidarites, Tearfund Ireland and Tearfund UK.

The NGOs, expressing serious concern at the needs of the people inside Afghanistan not being adequately addressed, said that the population of Afghanistan should be prevented from becoming refugees by addressing their needs inside the country.

The joint statement stressed the need for making preparations to meet for an exodus from Afghanistan in the event of an escalation of conflict. Many NGOs in Pakistan are taking part in planning and preparing for such an influx, projected by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees to be a possible 1.5 million new refugees.

Apprehending serious disruptions in the NGO’s distribution system as a result of migrations, the statement said: “People’s long-term livelihoods will be severely affected, the job of reconstructing Afghanistan will be made all the more difficult.”

Emphasising the need for massive food and aid deliveries before the onset of winter cuts off the needy, the NGOs welcomed the fact that the World Foof Programme had begun to move significant shipment of food with a target of 52,000 tons per month.

However, the joint statement pointed out that since Sept 21, food actually delivered into Afghanistan was negligible. “We estimate that little more than 15 per cent of Afghanistan’s pre-crisis food need has been met, after a break of nearly three weeks.”

Identifying the constraints faced by relief workers, the NGOs said that in Afghanistan, the communications were limited, security was an urgent concern and border closures prevented movement of NGO staff. “With every new day, these factors and the movement of internal population cause further disruption to normal modes of distribution.” Even if the shipments are increased to half of what is needed, lives will be saved and livelihoods preserved.

The NGOs urged the US and other governments, the UN, the Taliban and all other parties to organise for the immediate safe shipping of food and other aid by NGOs and the UN while the pre-winter opportunity existed.

Others must make the political decisions necessary for the NGOs to be able to do the work and avert a disaster for the innocent people of Afghanistan, the statement said.

APP adds: The United Nations High Commission for Refugees fear an influx of over 1.5 million fresh refugees from Afghanistan into neighbouring countries in view of the situation arising out in the aftermath of Sept 11 terror attacks in the United States, says a press release issued by the commission Friday.

According to a UN estimate, around 3.8 million Afghan people depend on World Food Programme for their food in their country. The UNHCR, under the present circumstances has, therefore, appealed to the world to provide US$268 million in aid. The UNHCR needs US dollars 30 million immediately for relief work and since the issuance of the appeal on October 4, it has so far received $26 million.

Four special cargo flights had delivered plastic sheets, blankets, kitchen sets and other essential items at Quetta, Peshawar, and Mashad (Iran).

In the meantime, the UNHCR had despatched 12,000 tents in the region for meeting with emergency requirements. Beside, it has also started sending its emergency relief teams to the region that will work with the local officials in Quetta, Peshawar and Islamabad.

An NGOs’ meeting was also held in Quetta which was attended by the representatives of four UN agencies to work with UNHCR in case of emergency, to provide food, health, sanitation, water and other facilities to the expected refugees.

The UNHCR has already identified suitable points along the Afghan border for setting up new refugee camps in Balochistan and NWFP.

These spots are Badini, Roghani and Darra near Chaman and Pishshak in Chagai district in Balochistan. Arrangements are being made to provide water at these points. This will also cater for the water need of the local people besides the refugees.

Of US$26 million, one million has been donated by Hollywood star and UN special envoy Anglina Julie who had already visited refugee camps in the NWFP and Balochistan in August last.

The detail of the donation received by the UNHCR till October 4 is as under:

Italy $7.1 million, Britain 4.3 million, US 4 million, Germany 3.5 million, EU 1.8 million, Anglina Julie one million, Austria one million, Denmark 916,000, Canada 800,000 , Greece 900,000m, Sweden 464,000, and Ireland 300,000. Besides Japan sent relief goods worth $2 million and China 242,000.

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