Today's Paper | July 06, 2024

Published 17 Jun, 2024 05:31am

Work on industrial zone in Bajaur to begin soon

BAJAUR: The authorities are set to launch work on the establishment of the much-awaited small industrial zone here in Bajaur tribal district, which has been delayed for the last five years owing to lack of funds, senior officials in the district administration and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Small Industries Development Board (SIDB) told Dawn.

They said work on the project was likely to be launched by the end of June.

Setting up the small industrial zone was part of the five such projects to be constructed in the five districts of the province. It was approved in March 2019.

Sources said then prime minister Imran Khan during his visit to Bajaur on March 15, 2019, had announced the establishment of the industrial zone.

Afterwards, then special assistant to chief minister on commerce and industries, Abdul Karim Khan visited Bajaur on March 27, 2019 to accelerate efforts for selecting site for the proposed industrial zone.

He was informed by local officials that a site had been selected for the zone in Sheikh Kallay area of Khar.

Later, Mr Karim met with a delegation of elders, political and social activists and representatives of Bajaur Chamber of Commerce and Industry, assuring them that work on industrial zone would be launched by the end of 2019.

However, the sources said work on the industrial zone could not be launched as promised.

SIDB in a press release issued on January 2, 2022, had announced to start work on the industrial estate by the end of June 2022. But, the sources said SIDB failed to start work on the industrial zone apparently owing to non-availability of funds for payment of compensation to landowners.

However, sources in the district administration said all was set to start work on the project following release of funds for the land compensation by the provincial government about a month ago.

They said the district administration would make payments to landowners after Eidul Azha.

When contacted, deputy commissioner Mohammad Anwarul Haq confirmed to Dawn that funds for the land purchase had been released by the provincial government. He said Rs389 million had been released for the purchase of 370 kanals of land.

Highlighting the importance of the project, Mr Haq said the industrial zone would create job opportunities for hundreds of the jobless youth.

Published in Dawn, June 17th, 2024

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