Today's Paper | July 02, 2024

Published 26 Jun, 2024 08:40am

From The Past Pages Of Dawn: 1974: Fifty Years Ago: Sanctions against Israel

KUALA LUMPUR: The Islamic Foreign Mi­­nisters tonight [June 25] called on the international community to impose political and economic sanctions against Israel. The call came in a 25-page joint communique issued at the end of the five-day Conference here. The communique urged “all nations which supply Israel arms and political, economic, financial and human support, thus enabling it to pursue its aggressive and expansionist policy, to desist forthwith from doing so”.

Referring to the recent Israeli air raids on southern Lebanon, the communique called for the adoption of resolutions in the United Nations General Assembly imposing sanctions against Israel. The communique said the … Islamic nations, alone or in conjunction with member states of the international organisations, … undertake individually or collectively political and economic measures against Israel in accordance with Chapter seven of the U.N. Charter. The Conference took note of the explosion of a nuclear device by India on May 18, 1974, thus increasing the number of nuclear Powers. … The Conference urged member countries to follow a coordinated policy towards the reform of the international monetary system.

Published in Dawn, June 26th, 2024

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