Today's Paper | July 07, 2024

Published 30 Jun, 2024 07:34am

Man sentenced to death for murder during robbery

SARGODHA: Additional District and Sessions Judge Malik Nisar Ahmed on Saturday awarded death sentence to a man for committing murder during a robbery in 2021.

The convict, Yasir, was also awarded 10 years imprisonment and Rs1m fine while his two accomplices, Wajid and Shujaat, were declared proclaimed offenders.

According to the prosecution, Imran Javed, the owner of a travel agency in Satellite Town, filed a case with Sajid Shaheed police on June 8, 2021. He complained that his brother, Suleiman, was going to the market to buy groceries when three robbers snatched his wallet and mobile phone from him. When he resisted, the robbers shot him dead and escaped.

In another case, Yasir was arrested by Sajid Shaheed police and he confessed to committing Suleiman’s murder along with his two accomplices.

On Saturday, the additional district and session judge announced the verdict in the case.

MURDERS: A man was tortured to death by unidentified killers at Chak 54.

The body of Javed Saleem, a landlord of the village, was found in the trees near the desert in the vicinity of the village. There were torture marks all over the body. Police sent the body to hospital for a post-mortem.

In another incident, motorcyclists shot a 20-year-old son of a Pakistani expat dead in Sahiwal on the Sargodha-Jhang road.

According to sources, two men on a motorcycle opened fire at Aunul Hasan, son of Hasnain Mubeen, a Italian nationality holder at Mohallah Hussainabad of Sahiwal.

Police shifted the body of the deceased to the THQ hospital for post-mortem, and registered a case and launched investigation.

Published in Dawn, June 30th, 2024

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