Today's Paper | July 04, 2024

Published 30 Jun, 2024 07:51am

From The Past Pages Of Dawn: 1974: Fifty Years Ago: Bhutto’s offer to BD

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto said tonight [June 29] that his talks with Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were successful and would be carried forward in the near future. Addressing a large, welcoming crowd at Islamabad Airport on his return from a three-day visit to Dacca, Mr Bhutto said that Sheikh Mujib had accepted his invitation to visit Pakistan. … He said Pakistan and Bangladesh would have trade relations.

Mr Bhutto said that never before in his life, he had seen such a warm … welcome as was accorded to him on his arrival in Dacca. … The people of Bangladesh accorded him this welcome not for his person but because he was the representative of the people of Pakistan. … The Prime Minister said that the unprecedented Dacca reception proved beyond doubt that the decisions taken by the Government and his party were in the interest of the country and based on justice and fair play. … As regards reconciliation between Pakistan and Bangladesh, Mr Bhutto said that the world had seen that the people of Bangladesh were most anxious to re-establish relations with Pakistan. … He said he would welcome regular … visits between Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Published in Dawn, June 30th, 2024

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