Today's Paper | July 07, 2024

Published 02 Jul, 2024 07:07am


DRAINAGE SYSTEM: The drainage system in Khairpur Mirs has been in a shambles for a long time. The municipal authorities have learned no lesson from the devastating floods that seriously affected life in the last few years. No work has been taken to rectify the existing flaws in the drainage system. Recently, a rainfall of hardly one hour was enough to expose the failure of the drainage system in Khairpur. All the main roads were flooded, and remained inundated for days, making it difficult to commute. The relevant authorities should work on this issue on an urgent basis.

Azeem Hassan Maitlo
Khairpur Mirs

PROTECTING JOURNALISTS: Journalists play a crucial role in society, serving as the voice of the people, and holding those in power accountable. Violence against journalists is a threat to democracy and freedom of speech. It is alarming that six journalists were killed in Pakistan in just the first half of 2024. The government must take immediate action to ensure the safety and protection of journalists. International organisations and human rights groups must condemn these attacks, and press for due investigation and dispensation of justice. Moreover, the public should also raise their voice in support of journalists and press freedom.

Abdul Haq Bozdar

GAS METER READING: The pictures taken by natural-gas meter readers are often blurry and poorly captured, making it difficult to discern the numbers on the meter clearly. This lack of clarity raises significant doubts about the integrity of the readings. The gas company officials may be entering figures based on their discretion rather than accurately recording the actual readings. The relevant authorities should ensure that meter readers are properly trained to take clear and precise photos of the meters. Additionally, implementing a more reliable system for verifying these readings could help restore confidence among consumers and in the accuracy of gas billing.

Zafar Ullah Khan

Published in Dawn, July 2nd, 2024

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