Today's Paper | July 06, 2024

Published 02 Jul, 2024 07:08am

From The Past Pages Of Dawn: 1974: Fifty Years Ago: ‘Democracy alone’

QUETTA: Khan Abdul Wali Khan, NAP chief and Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, has said that democracy alone could ensure country’s stability and solidarity. The people of Baluchistan, he added, were leading the struggle for the restoration of democratic values and rights ... in Pakistan.

Khan Wali Khan, who was addressing his party workers at “Mengal House” in Quetta last evening [June 30], said the whole nation supported the struggle launched by the Baluchistan people. He said the Baluchistan problem did not pertain to Marri and Mengal tribes alone, but ... to the whole country. He said his party firmly believed in democracy and constitutional means for settling political issues, but added that if means other than constitutional were resorted to by the ruling party, then it could be paid back in the same coin. [He] paid tributes to Baluchistan Assembly members belonging to his party for not having succumbed to Government pressure for changing loyalty. …

[Agencies add, He] declared that his party would frustrate … all efforts aimed at further disintegration of Pakistan. “We shall cut those hands when stretched out to break Pakistan.”

Published in Dawn, July 2nd, 2024

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