Today's Paper | September 17, 2024

Published 27 Jul, 2024 06:55am


Compassion for animals

This is regarding the cover article “Compassion for animals” by Shahmeer Asif (June 8, 2024). The article focussed on animals and how they should be treated.

I appreciate the writer for tackling a topic important to Muslims worldwide. The writer insisted that because Eidul Azha is all about sacrificing animals, so one should treat them with compassion, which aligns with the spirit of the occassion. Animal sacrifice should be done with respect and kindness towards the animal.

Nabeel Nabi Shahbaz,

A baby’s life

This is with reference to the article “A baby’s life” by Huda Ilyas (YW, June 22). It was a funny story in which the writer presented the thoughts of babies in an amusing way. I really enjoyed reading it and wish to read more such humorous stories in the magazine.

Sobia Ishfaque,

A day without a buzz

This is with reference to the story “A day without a buzz” by Haniya Shamshad (YW, June 29). The story reflected the current situation of humans, where we have become too dependent on the digital realm, leading to compromised human relationships, loss of laughter and joy, prevalence of health problems, tardy work of students and loss of reading habits.

In the story, people depended too much on technology and when the power went out, they had to talk to each other again, as they had no choice.

This reminds us that technology has made us its slaves, and it’s still not too late, we should spend less time on phones and computers, and more time with real people in our lives.

Sarmad Ali,


The story “A day without a buzz” by Haniya Shamshad serves as an eye-opener and teaches us to create balance between use of technology and real-life relationships. My suggestion would be to regularly unplug and engage with your surroundings and loved ones to maintain meaningful human relationships.

Arshad Ali Gurgez,


Social media, through internet, has taken over the world and people find it hard to stay connected physically. The story “A day without a buzz” by Haniya Shamshad clearly showed the current situation we are all getting into slowly. It teaches us that while technology can be good, we shouldn’t let it stop us from talking to people in real life.

Amina Amjid,

Published in Dawn, Young World, July 27th, 2024

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