Today's Paper | September 18, 2024

Published 09 Aug, 2024 07:35am

Critical thinking

SOCIAL media platforms and the constant stream of daily vlogs are crippling the ability of people to think critically and with rationality. These elements are the very foundation of social progress. Vlogs, often showcasing ordinary routines and uninspired consumerism, foster a culture of discontent and dissatisfaction among the viewers.

The continuous pursuit of the ‘perfect’ life depicted online makes us feel imperfect and disconnected. Furthermore, the ease of creating vlogs, compared to the dedication required to develop valuable skills, is creating a generation more tilted towards internet fame rather than genuine education and self-improvement.

One fails to fully understand what would become of these young minds in the long run. The situation is alarming. Many of these individuals, lacking critical thin- king and self-development abilities, are likely to struggle to navigate a world without the constant stream of enterta- inment, likes, comments and online recognition.

The current scenario emphasises the urgent need for course correction. We must foster a culture of mindful tech- nology usage, where smartphones will be tools for learning and connection, not mindless consumption.

Likewise, encouraging critical thinking, prioritising education and skill develop- ment, and promoting activities that cultivate self-awareness are crucial steps to ensure that the young generation does not get left behind in the race of technolo- gical advancement, which is actually a human bid to race towards a better future.

Adan Naeem

Published in Dawn, August 9th, 2024

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