Today's Paper | September 17, 2024

Published 16 Aug, 2024 10:11am

Public sanitation

DESPITE various government initiatives, the conditions of public toilets across the country often fall short of acceptable standards, posing significant health and hygiene challenges. In many urban areas, these facilities are insufficient, poorly maintained, and often unusable. Inadequate sanitation infrastructure leads to overflowing sewage, causing serious health issues. The situation is even more dire in rural areas, where access to any form of public sanitation is unavailable.

Besides, the poor state of public toilets in the country contributes to severe hygiene issues. Without regular as well as proper cleaning and maintenance, these facilities become breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses, leading to the spread of diseases, such as cholera, dysentery and hepatitis.

Furthermore, the lack of handwashing facilities exacerbates the problem, as individuals are unable to clean their hands properly after using the toilet, further increasing the risk of contamination and illness. Women, children, and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to these hygiene problems.

While the government has taken several initiatives to address the issue of public sanitation, there are several significant shortcomings. Many government projects suffer from poor implementation and lack of follow-up. Corruption and mismana-gement often divert funds away from the intended projects, resulting in incomplete or substandard facilities. Furthermore, there is a lack of public awareness campaigns to educate the people on the importance of maintaining hygiene in public toilets, leading to persistent misuse and neglect.

The relevant authorities must focus on proper maintenance of public toilets. We need to prioritise public sanitation.

Name withheld on request

Published in Dawn, August 16th, 2024

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