Today's Paper | September 18, 2024

Published 24 Aug, 2024 07:38am


INDIAN ATROCITIES: India, which asserts itself as a secular, democratic country, has faced challenges in substantiating these claims in practice. In recent years, concerns have intensified over human rights violations against minorities. We showed solidarity on Aug 5 with Kashmiris on the fifth anniversary of Youm-i-Istehsal. The enactment of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in 2019 triggered widespread protests and criticism both domestically and internationally for discriminating against Muslims and contradicting India’s secular constitutional principles. Besides, the special status of India-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, which was outlined in Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, was revoked, sparking widespread protests. The international community should take note of Indian brutality, atrocities and human rights violations in occupied Kashmir, and force India to respect the right to self-determination for Kashmiris.

Abdul Basit Alvi

PETROL PRICES: When petrol prices increase, the cost of almost everything increases — whether due to genuine factors or artificial inflation — often far beyond what is proportionate. Yet, when the government lowers petrol prices, we rarely see a corresponding decrease in the prices of goods and services. Given this, it is proposed that the government should reconsider announcing petrol price reductions. Instead, the additional revenue generated from higher prices could be placed in a profit-generating reserve fund. This fund could then be used to provide subsidies to the public when petrol prices inevitably rise again.

Professor (Dr) Rashid Mahmood

IDEAL SENATE: Ideally, the Senate, which is the upper house of parliament, should not be formed by members of political parties. There is no doubt that this move will keep the rather august house depoliticised, impartial as well as more meaningful than what it tends to be today. An ideal Senate should be composed of credible professionals aged 40-75 years.

Shuja ur Rahman Khan

Published in Dawn, August 24th, 2024

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