Today's Paper | September 19, 2024

Published 14 Sep, 2024 06:34am

The teenage rollercoaster!

If you feel like your life is suddenly spiralling out of control, you’re a teen.

If your friends have become your priority and family no longer seems as important, you’re a teen.

If you feel like everyone is turning against you, you’re a teen.

If you think that working a little harder might finally earn you some appreciation, you’re a teen.

And if you feel like you have a hundred problems in your life, congratulations — you’re normal. It’s all part of growing up.

As a teenager, how do you find your way through this maze of challenges, expectations, opportunities and tough choices? Well, let me help you there.

Discipline is the key

First of all, I have noticed a lot of teens complaining that they don’t have time to do their chores or even school homework, etc. Well, let’s accept that we mostly have time, it is just that we are a little disorganised. Those who are organised don’t know what to do with it.

And to bring a little discipline into your life, you just need a pen and a planner. Simply plan out your day. It doesn’t take long at all and pretty soon you will be planning out your life. The best part about planners is that you feel that you have a certain goal to achieve. And trust me, you feel so proud of yourself at the end of the day that you can’t help smiling and thinking ‘Wow! I can do that; I am so amazing!’

The power of a smile

Next up I’d like to give you the biggest power of all time — the power of a smile. This is often underestimated, especially by teenagers.

Caught up in their busy lives, whether it’s school, social media, or hanging out with friends, teens can become so absorbed in their world that they forget something as simple, yet powerful, as a smile. A smile can brighten someone’s day, lift spirits, and create a sense of warmth and connection.

When was the last time you smiled at your family? Parents, siblings and even grandparents often go unnoticed in the hustle of daily life, yet they are the ones who appreciate these small gestures the most. A simple smile shows them that you care and that you’re present. It’s a tiny act with a huge impact, capable of softening hearts and strengthening bonds.

So, next time you’re rushing out the door or sitting down for dinner, take a second to smile. You might be surprised at how much it changes the atmosphere around you.

Believe in yourself!

Believe in yourself — always and forever. If you’re wondering how to think positive always, well, I suggest you start simple. How many of you, after getting ready for an occasion, have looked in the mirror and thought, “Oh no, why do I look like this?” or “Why does my hair stick up like that?” or “Why do I have so many zits?”

The next time you take a peep at yourself in the mirror, focus on the good in you, “Oh look, my eyelashes are so pretty”, or “I have the perfect jawline”. Or even saying things like, “Wow! Don’t I look amazing” can help boost your confidence.

Remember, be confident about yourself. No one is ugly or beautiful, everyone is just different. Try saying, “I’m unique”, or “I can do this”, or “We are all different and beautiful in our ways”. You will see that cloud of jealousy and hatred toward others vanishing as if it were never there.

It’s not just teenagers — people of all ages have developed the bad habit of putting others down to elevate themselves. Whether it’s jealousy, sarcasm, hate, fake smiles, lies, gossip, selfishness, greed, negativity, dishonesty or envy, the list of negative behaviours goes on and on. These habits have become so ingrained in us that they could easily fill pages.

But imagine a world where we replaced these toxic tendencies with positive thinking, kindness, and self-control. Simple changes like swapping gossip for compassion, or bitterness for gratitude could make all the difference, not just for ourselves, but for those around us.

As Charles R. Swindoll said, “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.”

How we choose to respond to challenges, stress, or the actions of others defines our character and shapes our happiness. Developing healthy habits like meditation, mindfulness and regular exercise can also work wonders.

Exercise, for instance, doesn’t just keep us physically fit; it also reduces stress, boosts mental clarity and helps us sleep more peacefully at night. The road to a more fulfilling life starts with small, mindful choices each day. By consciously adopting healthier habits and letting go of negativity, we can truly transform ourselves and the world around us.

Music, food for the soul

As a teenager, you probably listen to music more than most people, and it’s one of your favourite ways to relax. You have your unique playlist and the music becomes your escape when you need a break or just some time to yourself.

But here’s some advice: when you’re feeling down, try to avoid listening to sad music. Yes, I know it’s tempting to match your music to your mood, but honestly, it won’t help as much as you think.

Instead, create a playlist of your favourite upbeat, feel-good songs that can instantly lift your spirits. Music has the power to change your emotions and, if you choose wisely, it can make you feel lighter, happier and more positive.

Journaling to share

For a nice, peaceful, fun-filled, yet organised, life is to practice journaling. Now for those who don’t journal, writing their thoughts, feelings and emotions down on paper may seem ridiculous. But I promise you give it a try sometime and you’ll see all the changes in your life. Suppose you have a secret that you badly want to tell someone, but as it’s a secret you can’t. Well, write that down in your journal.

Similarly, if you are angry just write how you feel, believe me, once you’re done you will feel good. It feels like a burden is being taken off your back. Write in a journal if you have a problem that you can’t seem to find the solution to. Later on, reading back you will find the answer to that problem.

Trust me, writing is fun, it not only strengthens your memory but also builds your confidence, reduces stress and makes you happier. If that doesn’t seem like the perfect life, I don’t know what is.

Healthy habits first

As a teenager, healthy habits might seem far from your understanding or even unimportant, but believe it or not, developing them now can have a profound impact on your life, both mentally and physically. You might feel invincible or too busy with school, friends and social media, but taking small steps toward building positive routines will pay off in ways you can’t imagine. Whether it’s getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, or finding time to exercise, these habits will help you stay energised, focused and more in control of your emotions.

Activities like taking nature walks, practicing mindfulness or listening to uplifting music can help clear your mind and reduce stress. Even something as simple as spending less time on your phone and more time reading or writing can give you a sense of balance. It’s all about taking small actions that build up over time. You don’t have to do everything perfectly, but starting now will make the journey to adulthood a lot smoother.

And here’s the key: this isn’t just about looking after your body — it’s about nurturing your mind, too. Positive thinking, self-reflection and surrounding yourself with supportive people will make a world of difference. Believe in your ability to grow and face challenges with resilience, because these habits will give you the foundation you need to become the best version of yourself.

Published in Dawn, Young World, September 14th, 2024

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