Today's Paper | September 19, 2024

Updated 14 Sep, 2024 10:30am

Session marred by senators’ personal quarrels

ISLAMABAD: The Senate session on Friday was marred by the presence of a suspended PTI senator and the absence of ministers as it concluded without conducting any legislative business.

The lawmakers from both sides of the aisle made fiery speeches before treasury members staged a walkout to protest against the presence of Senator Falak Naz, who was suspended for two days on Tuesday for using abusive language agai­nst independent member Faisal Vawda.

Tensions were palpable from the beg­i­n­­­ning of the session as two senators, Da­­nesh Kumar of BAP and Dr Zarqa Suh­arwardy of PTI, locked horns on their right to ask a supplementary question.

Mr Kumar, who is usually calm, shouted at Dr Suharwardy when she read poetry instead of asking a question.

Govt members stage walkout to protest presence of suspended PTI lawmaker; Musadik laments ‘cartelisation’ of fertiliser producers

The BAP senator insisted on being al­­lowed to ask the question, which led to an argument between the two lawmakers.

Deputy Chairman Syedaal Khan Nasar appeared helpless in defusing the situation, forcing some members from both sides to intervene.

Later, the deputy chairman referred the question to the standing committee concerned and gave the floor to Senator Samina Zehri.

The BAP senator also objected to the presence of Ms Naz and claimed she was suspended for “two working days” and cannot sit in the House today.

Senator Zehri claimed to have been insulted by the PTI senator on Tuesday, adding that the PTI leadership “endor­ses” its misbehaviour in the House.

Mr Vawda also supported Senator Zehri and said she should be provided with justice. He also endorsed her demand to kick out Senator Naz, who was suspended. “Either she should apologise or go out. Otherwise, we all will walk out,” he said.

Senator Faraz, the opposition leader, came in support of his beleaguered colleague and said a “drama” was being staged over this issue. He claimed that the PTI senator didn’t say anything objectionable and a committee should have been formed if any action was to be taken.

As quorum was pointed out during Mr Faraz’s speech, he regretted the government was “trying to hide behind quorum”. After the House was found not to be in order, the deputy chairman adjourned the proceedings till 4pm on Saturday (today).

Absence of ministers

At the outset of the proceedings, some members objected to the absence of ministers.

Senator Shahadat Awan of PPP proposed deferring the question hour so that ministers could come and answer questions related to their ministries.

When the question hour resumed, Petroleum Minister Musadik Malik said subsidies worth billions of rupees were doled out to fertiliser firms under a flawed policy. He also disclosed that all fertiliser companies were not being sold gas at the same price.

The rates varied from Rs170 to Rs580 and Rs1,597 per million British thermal units (mmBtu), he said, adding that despite the tariff differential, every company sells fertilisers at the same price.

The tariff differences help fertiliser companies earn massive profits, the minister said. He said the Petroleum Division is working on the cost equalisation mechanism for a uniform gas tariff for all fertiliser manufacturers.

After this policy, efficient fertiliser firms would remain in the market, and inefficient plants would be phased out, Mr Malik added.

Meanwhile, the Senate Secretariat has announced that the office will now open every Saturday at 11am till the end of the session.

An official notification has also been issued in this regard.

Published in Dawn, September 14th, 2024

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