Today's Paper | September 23, 2024

Published 23 Sep, 2024 09:19am

For the record

THIS is with reference to the column ‘Literary Notes: Akber’s letters to Iqbal published after a century’ (Sept 9), which reviewed the book Akber Banaam Iqbal that has recently been published by Dr Zahid Muneer Aamir through Punjab University’s Urdu Development and Translation Centre. The write-up outlined the book’s significance and the role I played in its publication.

However, the circumstances under which the letters were published and compiled in the book need a little elaboration.

The letters, which form the core of the book, were published without my consent. The letters were entrusted to Dr Zahid by myself, with the understanding that they would be used solely for the purpose of publication under my name, a condition that has not been honoured.

Furthermore, the write-up stated that Dr Zahid “had been trying to trace the missing letters and his quest finally paid off”. The fact is that there were no ‘missing’ letters in the first place, as all research scholars of calibre have known for long that the letters have been in my possession.

Legal and administrative proceedings are already under way as the publication of these letters without my authorisation is a serious breach of trust. Besides, it is an issue of intellectual property rights.

Dr Saqif Nafees

Published in Dawn, September 23rd, 2024

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