Today's Paper | October 28, 2024

Published 28 Oct, 2024 07:41am

Weather forecasts

THIS is with reference to the report ‘Why are Pakistan’s weather forecasts so cloudy?’ (Oct 14), which reported on the dismal performance of the Meteorological Department whose officials, as alleged, are more interested in trips abroad and perks, including well-furnished offices coupled with other amenities.

Being a senior citizen, nearing 90, I have observed a shameful decline in the performance of the department pertaining to weather forecasting, always making excuses related to lack of equipment and computers. What excuse is there for two main radars out of four not being operational?

In any civilised country, the minister concerned would have resigned or at least offered to do so while accepting moral responsibility. It is sad to notice in my twilight years that this tradition does not exist in our land. The relevant minister should play a proactive role in this matter. Also, there should be a full-scale inquiry by the relevant parliamentary committee to pin down responsibility.

Besides, there should be serious consi-deration to outsource the department to the private sector, which, I honestly think, will perform better with half the budget.

Name withheld on request

Published in Dawn, October 28th, 2024

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