Today's Paper | July 06, 2024

Published 14 Feb, 2002 12:00am

ME peace linked to just solution: OIC-EU dialogue ends

ISTANBUL, Feb 13: The two-day joint forum of the Organization of Islamic Conference and the European Union on the political dimension of civilization and harmony ended here on a high note of hope and an 8-point agreement on the basis of which the representatives of the two bodies decided to continue the dialogue within the aim to enhance understanding between Islam and the developed world.

Appropriately held in Istanbul, the geographical crossroad of the two cultures and fittingly sponsored by Turkey, a country which perhaps has succeeded over the years to merge the two cultures in its nationhood, the forum was described as a good beginning by Turkish Foreign Minister Ismail Cem.

The forum reaffirmed its strong belief that cultures, in their diversity, complement and enhance one another. Also, the forum confirmed its belief in the harmony among civilizations and in its attainability.

Knowledge of one another through communication and cooperation for the promotion of common universal values such as those enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights instruments was considered to be main means to support coherence and solidarity, and to avoid racial, religious and cultural prejudices. To this end, it was felt that the two political organizations have a joint responsibility towards contributing to achievements of these goals.

The forum further affirmed that terrorism cannot be justified for any cause whatsoever. It recognized the joint responsibility to fight terrorism in all its forms and manifestation within the framework of the United Nations, in conformity with its Charter and its resolutions.

The joint sitting underlined that for peace, stability and harmony to prevail, the Middle East conflict must be settled in a just and comprehensive manner and in accordance with international law and the relevant Security Council resolutions. In this context, the ‘two state’ solution will contribute to bring peace and security to the peoples concerned.

Having listened to the exchange of ideas and to participants’ views, the OIC-EU forum concluded that there was a need for further cooperation. The forum proposed that existing bilateral and multilateral frameworks should continue to be used for general debate on the issues raised during the meeting.

The forum noted with appreciation the invitation by Emir of the State of Qatar in his capacity as current chairman of the OIC to host a OIC-EU meeting in the second half of the current year, in Doha.

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