Today's Paper | September 21, 2024

Published 27 Nov, 2007 12:00am

Gunmen kill 11 relatives of Iraqi journalist

BAGHDAD, Nov 26: An Iraqi journalist said on Monday gunmen went on a killing spree in his Baghdad home, murdering seven children and four adult relatives in the latest assault on media staff in the war-scarred country.

Dia al-Kawwaz, editor of Internet website Shabeqat Akhbar al-Iraq (Network of Iraqi News), said militiamen sprayed his relatives with bullets after storming into his house on Sunday.

“Four gunmen entered my family house in Shab area. Two of my sisters, their husbands and seven children between five and 10 years old were killed on Sunday morning,” Kawwaz told newsmen on Monday by telephone from Amman.

He accused militiamen of carrying out the killings, saying they “stormed the house when the family was having breakfast.” “Earlier I was accused of being pro-US and so had to flee to Germany and now I am accused of being a Saddamist,” said Kawwaz, who has lived in Germany for the past 20 years.

According to the report on his news website, which is known for its strong stance against the US military occupation of Iraq, the gunmen bombed the house after killing the family members.

“The gunmen were heavily armed and started shooting randomly. They killed all the family members and later bombed the house,” the report said. It said the incident took place despite the presence of police at a nearby checkpoint.

“The gunmen came in the vehicle which had no registration plate,” the website reported.

“What is happening in Iraq is well known. Since the start of occupation there are groups who are eliminating officers, doctors and now it is journalists,” he said.

“If you are working as a journalist in Iraq and if you do not abide by the orders of the occupier or those who came with the occupier, you will face this fate.” The Iraqi Association to Defend Jounalists’ Rights condemned the “brutal crime against the family of journalist Dia al-Kawwaz.” “We call on the government to review the crimes and violations being perpetrated against journalists and their families,” it said in a statement.

“They should take responsibility to protect journalists who are the main targets of gunmen. By not investigating such crimes, the government is helping the murderers.”—AFP

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