Today's Paper | July 03, 2024

Published 04 Jan, 2008 12:00am

Troops capture 52 militants in Swat

ISLAMABAD, Jan 3: Troops captured 52 suspected militants, including a commander, on Thursday in the restive valley of Swat, the military said.

The arrests were made days after a remote-controlled bomb killed eight people, including a politician from the main party backing President Pervez Musharraf in Swat.

“These militants were apprehended in Shakardara area on Thursday morning during a search operation,” the statement said.

According to government reports, more than 300 Taliban-style militants have been killed in the area since Musharraf deployed the army against them on Nov 24.

The militants had seized control of the region and called for the enforcement of Sharia law.

The army claimed on Dec 8 it had cleared almost all the militants from the mountainous region.

According to a press release of Media Information Centre, Mingora commander Ikramuddin was involved in the beheading of police officials.

Huge quantity of arms and ammunition have also been seized which included Kalashnikovs, rifles, pistols and rounds of different calibre.

These apprehended militants are believed to be close associates of Maulana Fazalullah.—Agencies

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