Today's Paper | September 21, 2024

Published 31 Jan, 2008 12:00am

Pakistani firms figure in DS100 ranking

RIYADH, Jan 30: The Pakistan State Oil (PSO) and Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) have figured at the 31st and 99th positions in the fourth annual DS100 ranking, benchmarking the corporate environment within the 57-member OIC.

The SNGPL has been included in the list for the first time.

The DS100 is a ranking of the Top-100 businesses within the OIC and is compiled annually by the business strategy e-magazine Dinar Standard.

Saudi Aramco, the Saudi oil company and the world’s top oil producer, has once again emerged as the largest enterprise in the Muslim world, recording an estimated 19 per cent rise in its revenues from the year before.

With $1.08 trillion in total revenues (based on EOY 2006 data) and a healthy 14.5 per cent in revenue growth over the year before, the ranking shows the continuing strengthening of the Muslim world economies (Fortune 100 Global Company revenues grew 10 per cent during the same period).Companies from 20, out of the 57 OIC member countries, are represented in the DS100.

Turkish companies continue to lead the list with 24 slots in the list, followed by 17 from Malaysia, 15 from Saudi Arabia, nine from Indonesia, and seven from the UAE.

Other countries represented include the Egypt, Kuwait, Iran, Nigeria, Morocco, Kazakhstan, Bahrain, and Algeria.

Though Pakistan is also represented in the list, but the inclusion of merely two Pakistani companies in the list shows poor health of Pakistani enterprises when compared with others in the Muslim world.

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