Today's Paper | July 07, 2024

Published 16 Feb, 2008 12:00am

Australia pullout to have serious consequences: BCCI: Pakistan tour

LAHORE, Feb 15: Throwing its weight behind the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has warned Australia against pulling out of their March-April tour here, saying the move could lead to serious repercussions.

“There will be serious consequences because you can’t just pull out a committed tour when the host board is giving you assurances about security and so is the government,” BCCI vice-President Rajiv Shukla told a private TV channel.

Shukla said Cricket Australia (CA) should have faith in the PCB and be assured that its players would be safe here.

“If the host board (PCB) and government is willing to give assurances you have to accept that; you can’t just cancel a confirmed Future Tours Programme (FTP) visit. The hosts know best about the prevailing security situation,” he insisted.

Shukla, who toured Pakistan with the Indian team as an official in 2003-04 and then in 2005-06, said even when India were due to tour Pakistan their players were scared of playing here.

“But we decided to accept the PCB assurances and government and players supported us. Once the tour was over they were all very happy at making the tour,” he stated.

“Similarly, I think Australians must listen to the PCB arguments for whom the tour is important,” Shukla added.

A PCB official welcomed Shukla’s statement insisting it would have some bearing on the final decision taken by Australia.

“The BCCI is an influential one because of its position in cricket world and recently they have managed to get their point across to the Australians on some contentious issues on their ongoing tour,” he stated.—Agencies

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