Today's Paper | July 05, 2024

Published 16 Feb, 2008 12:00am

New Delhi committed to peace: Mukherjee

NEW DELHI, Feb 15: India is committed to peace, friendship and good neighbourly relations with Pakistan, Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee told a parliamentary of foreign affairs on Friday.

“The fact that the fourth round of composite dialogue has been held and India is committed to this dialogue, the background of the dialogue which is the January 2004 statement and the commitments against terrorism,” indicates New Delhi’s approach towards Pakistan, a foreign ministry spokesman said.

Similarly also on Afghanistan, Mr Mukherjee gave an overview of India’s relationship and the political relationship as well as India’s commitment to the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Afghanistan. “Present level of India’s assistance makes us the 5th largest bilateral donor in Afghanistan. The way our projects are spread across Afghanistan, they cover the entire gamut of economic and social developmental activities. About 4,000 Indians are engaged in the task of rebuilding Afghanistan in a security situation which is deteriorating,” the spokesman quoted Mr Mukherjee as saying.

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