Today's Paper | July 02, 2024

Published 27 Feb, 2008 12:00am

Magsi seeks post of CM for third time

QUETTA, Feb 26: Nawab Zulfiqar Ali Magsi, who has twice held the post of chief minister of Balochistan, is in Islamabad to consult constitutional experts about his eligibility for heading the provincial cabinet for a third time.

Nawab Magsi, elected MPA from Jhal Magsi as an independent candidate, is reported to be aspiring for the post but has not yet made an announcement about joining a party.

Meanwhile, PML-Q leader Sardar Abdur Rehman Khetran said on Tuesday that the party’s parliamentary group in the Balochistan Assembly would meet on Wednesday to elect its leader.

He said the PML-Q was in contact with the Balochistan National Party (Awami) and the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam for forming government. He said that after electing its parliamentary leader, the party would start seeking support of independent members.

Sardar Khetran termed PPP’s apology for excesses in Balochistan a political slogan to gain people’s sympathy and said that no government could allow saboteurs to target electricity pylons, blow up railway bridges and use explosive devices to kill innocent people.

He rejected allegations that a military operation had been conducted in Balochistan and that the PML-Q government in the province was responsible for atrocities. He said that security forces had taken action against elements involved in subversive activities.

Sardar Sanaullah Zehri, who formed his own faction of the National Party after developing differences with the party over boycott of the election, told Dawn that his party and the BNP-A would take a joint decision on government formation.

He said the two parties had seven MPAs and they had the backing of five of the 12 independent members. He said the parties would form a committee on Wednesday to contact the PML-Q and the JUI for forming a coalition government.

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