Today's Paper | September 21, 2024

Published 08 May, 2008 12:00am

Cowen elected Irish PM

DUBLIN, May 7: Irish deputies elected Brian Cowen prime minister on Wednesday and allies and opponents warned the former finance minister he faced a tough task steering the country through a worsening economic slowdown.

Bertie Ahern, who stepped down on Tuesday after a corruption investigation began to overshadow his government’s work, leaves as his legacy one of Europe’s richest countries and a peaceful neighbouring Northern Ireland.

After a decade of construction-fuelled expansion, Ireland now faces much slower growth or even economic contraction, but analysts believe Cowen’s record as a prudent finance minister and toughness mean he is well placed to tackle the risks ahead.

In his speech nominating Cowen as his successor, Ahern recalled Cowen’s experience in European affairs, which he will need in the campaign ahead of the June 12 referendum on the European Union’s reform treaty.

“His deep involvement with Northern Ireland and the peace process, his skilled ... engagement in Europe on behalf of the European Union during our presidency all equip him to undertake the obligation of the office of Taoiseach (prime minister) with flair and capacity,” Ahern told parliament.

John Gormley, leader of the Green Party, the junior partner in the ruling coalition, said Cowen faced an onerous task in his new role.

Richard Bruton, deputy leader of the main Fine Gael opposition party, said he could not blame international circumstances for the problems facing the Irish economy.

“We have made great gains, but we face great challenges too,” Cowen told deputies after his appointment.—Reuters

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