Today's Paper | July 05, 2024

Published 07 Jun, 2008 12:00am

IOC to crack down on illegal betting during Beijing Games

ATHENS, June 6: The International Olympic Committee (IOC) said on Friday it would crack down on illegal betting during the Beijing Games with the help of Interpol and major betting companies.

President of the IOC Jacques Rogge said a special unit had been set up and would operate during the Aug 8-24 Games to monitor betting patterns and flag any unusual or suspicious bets.

“It is clear we need and have the collaboration with major bona fide betting companies,” Rogge told reporters at the end of an executive board meeting.

“We rely on them to advise us if there is an abnormal pattern of betting. It is in their interest to work with us and our interest to work with them.”

Several sports, including soccer, tennis and cricket have been hit by illegal betting scandals in recent months.—Reuters

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