Karachi Port operations
KARACHI, June 16: Seven ships carrying containers and to load cement and ethanol are due to arrive at the outer anchorage on Tuesday, according to KPT sources.
Berthing activity at the wharves was on the higher side where eight ships including Saigon Express, Sima Sahba, Jitra Bhum, Sima Pride, Oel Mumbai, Jane Cheng to load and unload containers and general cargo, Bengal Orchid and Johar, tankers, were berthed during the last two days.
Sailing was also active as about dozen ships including Oel Trust, Cosco Lian Yun Gang, Hanjin Qingdao, Bunga Terasek, Saigaon Express, Golden Briallance, Fu Ning, Hai, Hyun Jin Ks0-3 and Chemstar Venus departed on Monday, while Johar, Jitra Bhum, Oel Mumbai and Ataqa are due to sail out on Tuesday.
A total tonnage of 193,000 tons comprising 55,987 tons of export cargo and 137,000 tons of imported goods was handled during the last two days.
The following ships are due on Tuesday: Taxila Rehis with oil, Sky Cherol to load ethanol, Sinar Bintan, Cape Negro and APL Cairo to unload containers, Carribbean Carrier to load cement, Bedan and Saleaf to unload and load general cargo, Fabulous to load clinkers.