Today's Paper | September 21, 2024

Published 15 Jul, 2008 12:00am

SANGHAR: Fahim not satisfied with govt

SANGHAR, July 14: President of People’s Party Parliamentarian Makhdoom Mohammad Amin Fahim has expressed concern over the absence of PPP leadership from the country and the performance of its government.

He was speaking in Sanjar Khan Junejo village near Tando Adam at a ceremony marking the death anniversary of Shah Nawaz Junejo.

He said that although he was not part of the government but he continued to be in Pakistan Peoples Party. “PPP is my party, how can I abandon it when I gave 40 years of my life to it,” he said.

He regretted the performance of party and said that it had miserably failed to come up to the aspirations of people.

More than 10,000 people had gathered to pay homage to late Shah Nawaz Khan Junejo. Most of them were poor people who had come to pay homage to the departed soul.

Late Shah Nawaz was famous for has unbiased verdicts he announced in Panchayat. He attended Panchayats in Balochistan, upper and lower Sindh and even in the Punjab and knew how to get his decisions implemented.

Once he even penalised his son and very strictly got implemented the decision implemented.

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