Today's Paper | September 21, 2024

Published 18 Jul, 2008 12:00am

Call to reform police to fight terrorism

ISLAMABAD, July 17: The International Crisis Group has said that Pakistan’s newly-elected government needs to urgently introduce major reforms in the “dysfunctional” policing system in order to ensure a secure state and efficient counter-terrorism mechanism.

In its latest report titled “Reforming Pakistan’s Police”, the non-profit organisation said the current force was incapable of combating crime, upholding the law, or protecting citizens and the state against militant violence.

“A change in mindset and legislation is needed urgently, because the transition to democracy could falter if deteriorating security gives the military a new opportunity to intervene and justify derailing the democratic process on the grounds of good governance,” according to the report.

The group said six years after it promulgated its 2002 Police Order, the military government of President Pervez Musharraf had established very few public safety commissions, supposedly the cornerstone of the accountability process, and those that existed lacked enforcement mechanisms.

“The police remained political pawns, with transfers and promotions used to reward those willing to follow illegal orders and to punish the few officers who dared to challenge their military masters. As an institution, it was widely distrusted and disliked by citizens.”

The report said police reforms should be high on the agenda of the democratically-elected governments that had now taken power at the Centre and in the provinces. Unlike the military did for years, they cannot afford to ignore the demands of constituents for safety and security.

“Political appointments must end; postings, transfers, recruitment and promotions must be made on merit alone,” the International Crisis Groups’ South Asia project director Samina Ahmed said.

The recommendations of police managerial bodies must be given due weight, and emphasis should be placed on the police serving and protecting citizens, she added.

The international community, particularly the US and the European Union, should realise that helping the police and civilian intelligence agencies with training and technical assistance would pay counter-terrorism dividends, Ms Ahmed noted.

She said the government and its Western allies would be best served by reallocating resources from the military to the police. This means not only more money and the latest weapons and equipment, but vitally also better training and an end to military dominance and control of internal law enforcement institutions, processes and decision-making, she added.

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