Today's Paper | October 26, 2024

Published 24 Jul, 2008 12:00am

A mistress, bogus family and ‘Madhouse’— Karadzic’s life in hiding

BELGRADE, July 23: Radovan Karadzic’s secret life included a mistress, a bogus family he claimed he left behind in the United States and frequent visits to a Belgrade pub called “The Madhouse”, acquaintances said on Wednesday.

The former Bosnian Serb leader — arrested on Monday on UN genocide charges after nearly a decade on the run — had a girlfriend he presented as an associate at the alternative medicine clinic he owned, according to Zoran Pavlovic, who was hired by Karadzic to set up a web site for his clinic.

Mr Pavlovic also told journalists he visited Karadzic’s apartment in New Belgrade and saw a framed photograph of four boys — all dressed in yellow L.A. Lakers T-shirts — who Karadzic said were grandsons living in America.

Misko Kovijanic, who owns the bar in Karadzic’s neighbourhood, said Karadzic was a regular who liked to sip red wine in the tavern, which is decorated with photos of Karadzic and fellow war crimes fugitive Gen Ratko Maldic.

“I’m very proud that he came to my pub, and I’m very sad that he was arrested,” Kovijanic said.

Karadzic will be handed over to the UN war crimes tribunal sometime in the next week, officials said, and his lawyer said he intended to defend himself there just like his mentor, former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic.

Bruno Vekaric, spokesman for Serbia’s war crimes prosecutor, said Karadzic’s extradition “could be on Monday or Tuesday _ but it could be earlier, too”.

“We cannot say precisely when,” he said.

Karadzic’s lawyer, Sveta Vujacic, says his client will resist extradition.

Vujacic also said Karadzic intends to defend himself during his upcoming trial at the UN tribunal, with the help of a team of legal advisers, just like Milosevic did. Milosevic died in 2006 while on trial in The Hague.

“He can’t wait to appear before the court,” Vujacic told reporters.

Vujacic said Karadzic _ who sported a bushy white beard and long grey hair when he was captured _ had a shave and a haircut on Wednesday. “He looks like new, exactly the same, only 14 years older,” Vujacic said.

Depending on when he arrives in The Hague, Karadzic is expected to appear next week at a hearing, where he will be asked to enter pleas to the 11 charges of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Karadzic, who was captured on Monday in Serbia after more than a decade on the run, has 30 days after his transfer to enter the pleas. If he refuses, judges will automatically enter not guilty pleas on his behalf.

The arrest of Karadzic, one of world’s most-wanted men, was hailed by the U.S. and by European governments who applauded Serbia’s new pro-Western leadership for the capture.

But in Belgrade, Serbian nationalists lashed out at authorities. Dozens of extremists took to the streets on Tuesday, clashing with police during a protest in the capital.

Chanting “Treason!”, the demonstrators threw stones and clay pots at riot police who cordoned them off. Five demonstrators and a policeman were injured.

“This is a hard day for Serbia,” Tomislav Nikolic, leader of the ultranationalist Serbian Radical Party said, vowing his party will do “all in its power” to topple the pro-Western government.

Serb officials say they arrested Karadzic on Monday evening near Belgrade. Karadzic had lived freely for months in the capital before he was captured, they said.

“His false identity was very convincing,” said Vladimir Vukcevic, Serbia’s war crimes prosecutor. “He had moved freely in public places.”

While on the run, Karadzic used a false name _ Dragan Dabic _ minister Rasim Ljajic told reporters. He also grew a long, bushy white beard.

Ljajic refused to reveal more details about Karadzic’s arrest, saying his movements were being analysed to help track down another top war crimes suspect still at large, Bosnian Serb wartime commander Ratko Mladic.

Karadzic appeared to be arrested because of a change in political will.

Serbian President Boris Tadic’s pro-Western government came to power only two weeks ago and appointed a new security chief, replacing an aide to former nationalist prime minister Vojislav Kostunica.

European Union foreign ministers said the arrest helped Serbia’s bid for membership in the bloc.

Karadzic’s whereabouts had been a mystery since he went on the run in 1998; his early hideouts reportedly included monasteries and mountain caves in remote eastern Bosnia.

Karadzic’s family in Bosnia, barred from leaving the country because of suspicions that they helped him elude capture, has asked to have those restrictions lifted.

The Bosnian Serb government says it will help the family financially, now that Karadzic has been captured.

More than 100,000 people died during Bosnia’s 1992-1995 war, and 1.8 million others were driven from their homes.—AP

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