Today's Paper | July 08, 2024

Published 25 Aug, 2008 12:00am

PML-N’s ‘final decision’ today

LAHORE, Aug 24: As PML-N members of a committee tasked to draft a resolution for reinstatement of judges boycotted a scheduled meeting of the committee on Sunday, the party said that a decision weather or not to remain in the ruling coalition would be taken by the Central Executive Committee on Monday.

No PML-N lawmaker attended the meeting in accordance with a decision taken at an informal gathering of PML-N leaders at the Raiwind residence of Nawaz Sharif. Sources said most of the participants criticised the PPP for violating for the third time an agreement on the judges issue.

Briefing the media after the meeting, the party’s general secretary Iqbal Zafar Jhagra and information secretary Ahsan Iqbal said that the CEC would also decide if the party should field a candidate in the presidential polls scheduled for Sept 6.

They said that it was not correct to say that there was not enough time for drafting the resolution. “If all provincial assemblies can pass within two hours resolutions calling for the impeachment of President Musharraf, then this resolution can be drafted and passed by the National Assembly within the same time.” —Amjad Mahmood

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