Today's Paper | September 21, 2024

Published 28 Oct, 2008 12:00am

81-year-old Chinese finds love online

BEIJING, Oct 27: An 81-year-old Chinese man has proved age need not be a barrier to internet love, marrying a 58-year-old woman he met online, a local newspaper reported.

Wu Jieqin, a retired Beijing art professor who has spent time in an aged-care home, married Jiang Xiaohui, 23 years younger, in a ceremony on the weekend, the Beijing News reported.

“The internet doesn’t belong to the young alone,” he told the paper. He said he had been using the internet since 1998.

“There are no rules against old people seeking love online.”

To reach the altar, Wu had to overcome the opposition of Jiang’s parents, aged 85 and 86, who feared he was too old. But she won them over.

“His voice is very youthful. Not like an 80-year-old,” Jiang told the paper. “He’s very romantic.”

The couple met after Wu, lonely since his divorce a decade ago, put a notice on a Chinese website last year with the help of a student.

“As internet mates of his own age did not suit him, he set his sights on a woman in her forties or fifties,” the report said.

Wu said over 50 women responded positively to his ad, including prospects from the United States, Australia and the Ukraine. Wu met several but things clicked only when with Jiang, a retired railway worker from southwest China’s Sichuan province.—Reuters

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