Today's Paper | March 07, 2025

Published 22 Nov, 2008 12:00am

Lahore Race Club indicts breeder/horse

LAHORE, Nov 21: A race horse and breeder have been indicted by the Lahore Race Club (LRC) for fraudulent running.

An English mare had been entered in the races while being declared an “unknown” mare and this wrongdoing by owner Fakhar Majeed turned up after the investigation conducted by the Jockey Club Of Pakistan (JCP) and Munir Ahmad Dar, who recommended action against the owner for cheating and tampering with the mare’s pedigree for ulterior motives.

In order to ascertain the truth, LRC veterinarians checked the import documents of the mare along with its identification marks. It came to light that she was imported from England over two years ago under the name of Whisper To Me and is the progeny of the USA-bred sire Brief Truce out-of-Watch Me, a mare bred in Ireland.

The owner entered Whisper To Me in the races while hiding her parentage and fraudulently declaring her as an “unknown” mare and that too of 11 years of age, wheras she was much younger. She ran in a race on November 5 and was cleverly made to run in unfit conditions to finish off the frame in order to justify her declaration as “unknown”.

But to the misfortune of the owner, the confirmation of the mare was totally different than the other runners. Some knowledgeable people there suspected foul play and demanded inquiry into the whole affair.

Dar told Dawn that as a spin off of the investigation, the LRC has fined Fakhar Majeed Rs50,000 while banning the entry of the mare in the races for good.

Dar has recommended to the JCP for taking further action as the same owner had previously been warned off the Lahore Race Club premises for six months for the wrong doing. Dar, who is a retired Deputy Inspector General of Punjab, said it was a case of cheating and fraud.

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