Today's Paper | July 07, 2024

Published 31 Dec, 2008 12:00am

PML-N asks govt to expose BB’s killers

ISLAMABAD, Dec 30: PML-N Chairman Raja Zafarul Haq has expressed concern over delay in the probe into assassination of Benazir Bhutto and has called upon the government to expose the killers.

Talking to reporters after attending a function held to mark Muslim League’s 102nd founding day, Mr Haq said his party wanted the probe conducted by the local institutions.

However, if the government considered that it could not expose the killers because they were too powerful it could seek the help of the United Nations.

He declined to comment on remarks made by President Asif Ali Zardari against the PML-N in his speech in Naudero, but said that a conflict between the two major parties would be detrimental to the country.

Replying to a question about reports of merger between League’s N and Q factions, he said there was a desire for that on both sides but no decision had so far been taken and some issues remained to be resolved.

Earlier, addressing the function, Mr Haq paid rich tribute to Quaid-i-Azam and his services for Muslims of the subcontinent.

He said the country was passing through a difficult phase and there was need for unity among the people.

He condemned the Israeli aggression against Palestinians and assailed the silence of 57 Islamic countries and the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC).

PML-N vice-president Syed Zafar Ali Shah criticised President Asif Zardari for using what he called improper language against Mian Nawaz Sharif.

He said that having become president ‘by accident’ Mr Zardari should now try to emerge as the symbol of the federation.

He said the PML-N acknowledged the services of late Benazir Bhutto and late Zulfikar Ali Bhutto for the cause of democracy, but President Zardari was not following in the footsteps of the founders of his party.

He accused the government of trying to destabilise the PML-N government in Punjab.

MNAs from Islamabad Dr Tariq Chaudhry and Anjum Aqeel Khan said India would have attacked Pakistan had Nawaz Sharif not taken the firm decision to make Pakistan a declared nuclear power on May 28, 1998, rejecting the international pressure.

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