Today's Paper | December 11, 2024

Published 05 Jan, 2009 12:00am

Crop stand: key to maximum yields

There is a need to get better yields by minimising the use of chemical treatments for the protection of the crop. More attention on agricultural practices can help in getting maximum yields. Crop stand establishment plays a key role in crop life cycle and can lead to a well-established planting, dynamic growth and ultimately high production of the crop.

The aim of establishing a good crop stand is to attain maximum and uniform germination and emergence, resulting in vigorous seedlings in the field. These vigorous seedlings may also perform well under stress conditions. Therefore, we need to know and understand the considerations and problems which affect crop stand establishment.

Seed bed: The seed bed preparation has the same importance as foundation for a house. Care at this stage will show positive effects throughout the crop season. The need is to create a good tilth and fine structure of the soil which should be well-pulverised, free of clods and plant residues. Firm and levelled soil will provide good seed contact which will result in better germination and emergence, enhanced root growth and good gaseous exchange. Unwanted and excessive disking will cause compaction of the soil and would restrict root growth.

Attention should also be given on weed control by applying pre-emergence weedicides. Addition of rotten organic matter will be an important thing to be undertaken in this process. While preparing seed bed, rotation of the crops should be done to enhance the productivity.

Planting seed: Seed should be pure, free of seed borne pathogens and with maximum germination percentage without compromising on its genetic purity and quality which is a must to have vigorous crop stand.

While planting, appropriate distance should be followed strictly from row to row and plant to plant distance to get maximum yield. Proper seeding depth is important for allowing adequate moisture for the seed to germinate without exposing it to unnecessary environmental stresses.

Seeding rate is also an important consideration to get maximum crop yield. Over seeding will result in overcrowding of the plants and poor quality spindly seedlings and finally reduced yield. Dense stand is not so critical but healthy stand is more desirable to protect the crop from adverse conditions. Involvement of new technology, in the form of advanced engineering implements for planting seeds like drilling machines is very important.

Germination: Germination is a process in which viable seed imbibes water, trigger respiration, start protein synthesis and other metabolic processes, resulting in radicle emergence. This is the most significant phase for the vigorous stand establishment. In this segment, the first requirement is availability of viable seeds (seed having ability to germinate and develop into seedling). Seed coat, food reserves, dormancy, conditions while producing seed and the storage conditions are the factors which affect the viability of the seed. Many environmental factors which influence the germination and emergence process are: moisture, oxygen and gaseous exchange, soil impedance, insects, pests and diseases etc.

Seedling establishment: This phase covers the time from the seedling emergence to the 2-4 true leaf stage. This is also critical stage for having a good stand.

Insects, pests and diseases continue to attack on the seedling and it should be strictly avoided as at this stage the seedlings still have not developed the resistance to environmental factors. In the same way, soil moisture affect the root zone of the seedlings and so care should be taken in this regard. Different plants have different types of root growth patterns but this is too early stage so care is still needed.

Temperature effects are associated with the specific temperature requirements of the crop. As seedlings are more susceptible to environmental factors so attention should be given to avoid such stresses to get vigorous stand. Wind desiccation and wind velocity can be very dangerous to seedlings as plants are too fleshy and still they don’t have developed any strong protective layer around them. This can destroy all of the farmer’s efforts in setting a good stand. Hail and storm can also wipe out the crop, if not cared according to requirements.

The aim of establishing a good stand is to minimise the time taken from seed germination to the developed seedling. It is very helpful in gaining vigorous seedlings which can better perform in normal and stressed environmental conditions and in the end produce a high yield of the crop of better quality.

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