Today's Paper | September 18, 2024

Published 07 Jan, 2009 12:00am

Sri Lankan troops seize key LTTE base in Jaffna

COLOMBO, Jan 6: Sri Lankan government troops on Tuesday captured a key Tamil Tiger defence line on the Jaffna peninsula, killing scores of rebels, the defence ministry said.

A statement said the rebels were “in total disarray following concentrated armour and infantry assaults backed by heavy artillery attacks.” It said government troops pushing south from the top of the peninsula were able to advance 500 metres into Tamil Tiger territory after breaching the line — which featured some of the toughest rebel fortifications.There was no immediate comment from the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), who appear to be rapidly losing ground in the north in the face of a huge government offensive.

Security forces are pushing into remaining rebel-held territory in the Jaffna area after taking a part of the Elephant Pass, a causeway linking the peninsula with the mainland, on Monday.

Government troops pushing up from the south last week managed to capture Kilinochchi, the LTTE’s political capital.

The troops are now trying to link up with forces in Jaffna. If they succeed, it would bring the entire peninsula under government control and deal another major blow to the LTTE.

It would almost totally isolate Tamil Tiger rebels in a section of northeastern coastal jungle around Mullaittivu, the last remaining town in the hands of the LTTE.

But speaking to the pro-rebel Tamilnet.com website, the LTTE’s political chief B. Nadesan dismissed the fall of Kilinochchi as “an insignificant setback” and said the rebels had fought back before.

“It is in Kilinochchi where the Sri Lankan forces have suffered historic debacles,” he warned in the interview published on Tuesday.

“We have faced several major political and military challenges and have successfully withstood those with the support of our people. With the resolute backing of our people and the moral support base of the global Tamil community, we are determined to overcome the current challenges,” he said.

“We are certain that the continued support will enable us to overcome current and future challenges,” he added, accusing the Sri Lankan government of “waging a genocidal war with cowardly and indiscriminate attacks on innocent civilians.”—AFP

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