Today's Paper | July 04, 2024

Published 31 Jan, 2009 12:00am

Troop surge no threat to Pakistan: Pentagon

WASHINGTON, Jan 30: The deployment of additional US troops in Afghanistan is no threat to Pakistan, says the Pentagon.

Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell told a briefing that the US had kept Pakistan informed of its intention to send additional troops to Afghanistan.

“Absolutely, we are in close communication with our partners in Pakistan,” he said.

“But this certainly should not be viewed as any sort of threat to Pakistan. This should be viewed as a way to help them combat a problem in their midst as well.”

He noted that Pakistan was as much concerned about the presence of terrorists in tribal areas as the US or Afghanistan was.

“The border … in the tribal areas is too porous in both ways, in that militants and extremists are able to move freely back and forth, greater than either of us would like,” he said.

“And so that’s why we are seeing much better cooperation in terms of border security between us, the Afghans and the Pak military. So I don’t think they should view it as anything but a positive if this comes to be.”

Indian role: Responding to another question, Mr Morrell said that India was “a significant political and economic partner” of the Afghan government.

“But I couldn’t tell you that I have any knowledge of a game plan for India to play a more pronounced role in Afghanistan.” — Corresopondent

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