Today's Paper | July 07, 2024

Published 10 Feb, 2009 12:00am

Poverty survey to start this month: Farzana

ISLAMABAD, Feb 9: A national survey of poverty will begin during the current month to gather data for providing relief to poor families, the chairperson of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), Farzana Raja told reporters on Monday.

“It will be the first survey of its kind and will help the government to know the number of poor and deserving families and their living conditions,” she said.

“The survey will also provide extensive details about household goods available with poor families,” Ms Raja said.

She said no non-government organisation would be engaged in the survey.

However, there were reports that the government, which had earlier preferred a political over a donor-directed approach to implement the BISP, was now seeking a $50 million loan from the World Bank to carry out a ‘proxy means test (PMT)’ based on the bank’s methodology of scoring card to select people deserving help. As directed by the World Bank, the National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) would conduct the PMT, sources said. They said Rs1 billion would be paid to the NRSP for the test.

Ms Raja said the BISP had adequate funds to help the poor on a monthly basis, but it required finances for conducting the survey. “The World Bank, Asian Development Bank and some other international donors have offered aid for the survey, but we are considering their offers and will like to avail this opportunity if they provide us loan on soft terms.”

She said the programme would be expanded in future to impart technical skills and create job opportunities for both men and women of poor families.

“Monetary assistance of Rs1,000 per month promised to each deserving family under the programme will stop for those who will get technical skills and jobs. However, financial support will continue to senior citizens, disabled people and widows,” she said.

Ms Raja said the survey would also cover the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and the Northern Areas.

In reply to a question, Ms Raja said that, except in some pockets, people in Fata and Swat had appreciated the programme and a large number of forms had been submitted.

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