Today's Paper | July 03, 2024

Published 12 Jan, 2011 09:12pm

Kunala Stupa – reminder of Taxila’s healing touch for blind

ISLAMABAD, Jan 12: Apart from its historical, religious, cultural and legendary background, in the last 2,000 years Taxila was also famous for eye treatment.

In fact officials with the Department of Archaeology and Museums (DOAM) believe that the Christ Hospital Taxila is continuation of that old historical legendary story narrated by folk tellers.

“The Stupa of Kunala sitting 100-feet high to the south-east of Takshasila city – Taxila’s ancient name – was where the blind would come to pray, and many had their prayers answered,” said an official of DOAM.

The official said Kunala was Emperor Ashoka’s beloved son, who was heir to the Mauryan empire. While he was supposed to be the future king, he was blinded by one of Ashoka's wives, Tishyaraksha, at a young age in jealousy, the official said.

The story of Kunala was related to this magnificent Stupa on the top of Sirkap city, founded by Greeks in 2nd century BC, the official said. “He was called Kunala because his eyes were small but beautiful. He was gifted with a sweet voice. But the jealous queen manoeuvred to order that his eyes be put out. A minister hesitated to execute the order.

“When the prince came to know about the royal order, he insisted on obedience to his father's command and a hot iron was put to his eyes.

He wandered with his wife far from his father’s kingdom,” the official narrated, adding that one day Ashoka recognised his son’s voice in his court. On learning his queen’s treachery, Ashoka ordered to put

her to death and Kunala was restored to the court.

According to DOAM official, Prince Kunala’s eyesight was restored by a famous surgeon who got his education in medicine in Taxila, then famous for training and knowledge of medicines, mathematics, grammar, archery, languages, and astronomy etc.

“Archaeological remains of Kunala's Stupa do not co-relate with the story. The masonry style of this Stupa belonged to 2nd century AD whereas Kunala was appointed in Taxila in 4th century BC,” the official said.

“How it was named as Kunala Stupa was not fully confirmed and needed deeper investigation and study.

But it is a fact that Taxila was known for the best eye treatment in those days,” he said, supportinghis story with several antiquities found in Taxila, which were used for eye treatment.

Such surgical instruments were on display in Taxila Museum for public.

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