Today's Paper | March 27, 2025

Published 23 Mar, 2011 01:27am

Kashmir issue and Skardu-Kargil road

The main cause of conflict between India and Pakistan is the Kashmir issue. Pakistan and India could not find a peaceful solution and had three wars over this burning issue, but failed to have a viable solution.

In the course of history, all political leaders in Pakistan who remained in power, did their best to resolve it, but failed, because of stubbornness on the part of the Indian leaders over their own viewpoint that Kashmir was part and parcel of India. Kargil and Ladakh are very important strategic areas which were also declared part of Kashmir. The people are living in India under the oppression of Indian rulers and security forces. The people of Skardu want to meet with their relatives who are in Kargil but unfortunately our government is not taking any solid step to open the vital road which leads from Skardu to Kargil.

Baltistani people have common tradition and civilisation. Kargil is 160km away from Skardu and traditionally people also travel frequently from Skardu to Kargil in search of jobs and for trade purposes.

The former President Pervez Musharraf tried his best to resolve the Kashmir issue and presented some options to Indian leaders. But he failed to implement those options because of Kashmir issue.

The former president also initiated confidence building measures (CBMs) to give people to people contact more importance. Various routes to India were also reopened after the 1999 Kargil war in order to boost people’s relationships on both sides. The Skardu-Kargil road has been closed since 1948 after Baltistan’s accession to Pakistan without any reason. The local people and politicians have appealed many times that this vital road be opened but successive governments have paid little attention.

As part of CBMs, it was also imperative to open Skardu-Kargil road. Even Chief Minister of Gilgit-Baltistan Mehdi Shah is silent over the issue. The road has economic significance. It will generate revenue for our provincial and federal government, as people will have trade opportunties. It will strengthen our economy and people will be able to get cheap food stuff. Our products, especially dry fruits of Gilgit-Baltistan, have a good market in India.

There is a need for concerted efforts at all levels to open this road. The Pakistani government should not rely on the speculative and baseless remarks of some agencies. Elements that are against Pakistan ’s sovereignty do not want to see a peaceful settlement of all outstanding issues including Kashmir.

G.M.K. BALTISkardu

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