Today's Paper | February 17, 2025

Published 25 Mar, 2011 10:01pm

4kg kidney removed at Larkana hospital

LARKANA, March 25: A team of doctors removed a kidney weighing about four kilograms after operating upon Sagar Kumar Menghwar, a 10-year-old boy from Kandhkot, in Chandka Medical College Hospital (CMCH) here on Friday.

Prof Malik Hussain Jalbani, head of the urology department at CMCH, and Khub Chand, registrar, carried out the one-hour operation.

The doctors put down the abnormality to a tumour, pelvi-urethral obstruction or cyst. The kidneys of a normal adult weigh between 200 and 250 grams. The boy was admitted to CMCH on March 17.

According to Dr Jalbani, the outgrown left kidney had been exerting pressure on other vital organs. Sagar Menghwar will be allowed to go home soon, the doctors said. —M.B. Kalhoro

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