This is vindicated when the viewer looks at ‘Me in the Matrix’ (copper and bronze). The word matrix or the artwork itself is axiomatic.
Speaking to Dawn, Amin Gulgee, who also hosted a reception, said the show was a result of what he had been working on over the past three years. He gestured towards a piece from the Spider series and commented it symbolised joy and festivity. With reference to his Chapati series he opined that it was indicative of the ‘power’ that’s involved in shaping the object.
A young artist, S.M. Raza, who attended the reception, said his immediate reaction to the artworks was that they had to do with ‘antique’ whereas another artist Salman Hasan remarked that he could sense ‘glory’ in all the pieces. This goes to show that the artworks will elicit a variety of responses.
The exhibition will continue till January 11.