Today's Paper | September 14, 2024

Published 07 Mar, 2013 12:08am

Pakistan: lesson from Darwinism

CHARLES Darwin was a great European scientist. His life-time achievement is the ‘Theory of Organic Evolution’. He has explained the mechanism through which the new forms of life appear in our world, and would continue to do so. The appearance of new forms of life is a result of genetic changes (mutations) in the already living beings.

It is rightly emphasised that every living organism survives under the fixed rules of nature: ‘survival of the fittest’. Consequently, the ones which are unfit are eliminated and die out as a result of ‘natural selection pressure’.

Darwin’s theory is based on scientific evidence and reliable fossil records. It has been tested by different scientists of repute for long and its authenticity is well-established.

Irrespective of scientific details, one could understand the universal significance and role Darwin’s Theory of Organic Evolution plays in our life.

Besides ‘survival of the fittest’, Darwin has used another expression -- ‘struggle for existence’ -- to clarify that at every level of existence (individual, group or nation, etc.), his theory works perfectly well.

It is important to mention that all the progressive and developed nations give due priority to Darwinism in their practical life as evident from their long-time survival, coupled with scientific progress. On the contrary, developing nations hardly realise its importance.

Moreover, such nations are generally retrogressive rather than progressive in their outlook.

These sentiments are based on sincere feelings for a bright future of Pakistan. It seems unfortunate that at present some of us make individual gains which cause heavy national losses. This kind of anti-national policy could finally end up in disaster.

With these words the government of Pakistan, leaders of different political and religio-politcal parties are reminded of their responsibilities towards Pakistan so that it may progress according to the wishes of the Quaid.

DR S. IFTIKHAR AHMEDManchesterUnited Kingdom

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