Today's Paper | July 09, 2024

Published 03 Mar, 2010 12:00am

After weeks of deliberations, Waqar signs as coach

KARACHI Legendary fast bowler and former national captain Waqar Younis has been appointed as the head coach of the Pakistan cricket team. The bowler is expected to take over the reins of the national team this month after he signed the contract offered to him by the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB).


The news comes after weeks of deliberations between Waqar and the board over the contract's terms and conditions that the former had set forth before the PCB. A major issue of contention was the level of authority the former fast bowler would have over the team and it now seems that the PCB must have offered some leeway on the matter.


“Ive signed on and agreed to the contract,” Waqar, who is based in Sydney, told Cricinfo. “Ill be arriving in Lahore from next week to begin work.”


Waqar will become the fourth coach of Pakistan in three years and his stint will last until the 2011 World Cup.


“Im absolutely honoured to take on the role and it is a very exciting challenge,” Waqar said.


It will no doubt be challenging as Pakistan go into next months World Twenty20 Championship in the West Indies with the baggage of a series of humiliating defeats and a host of controversies.


The controversies which include everything from infighting, to ball tampering and match-fixing, are likely to linger on until Pakistan finally starts winning but the real test for Waqar will be to get the players motivated, real soon.


“Hopefully I can deliver on the role. Cricket has given me a lot over the years and I want to give something back to cricket and country now. Ive always played my cricket with passion and aggression and I want the team to play like that.”


Waqar Younis has also worked as the bowling coach twice, but on both occasions his stints were short lived. His second stint came during Pakistans disastrous tour of Australia where the team lost all its matches. After the tour Waqar had expressed his desire to work as the team's head coach.


“Ill probably have better control in various situations and have more say in decisions. I really enjoyed my time as bowling coach, especially the first one under BobWoolmer.”


“The last one was a little more difficult but Im confident I can deliver. I learnt a lot from Bob during his time and Im hoping I can put that to good use,” said Waqar.

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