Guardianship: appeal to Chief Justice
I WANT to draw the attention of the Chief Justice of Pakistan and the Chief Justice of Lahore High Court towards a worrisome matter.
In cases of guardianship where courts appoint the guardian of a minor (ward), the equitable hearing of cases and proper look after is not being monitored by the courts.
After appointing a guardian, whether upon the will of close relatives or by the court itself, it is very much obligatory and judicious to look after the rights and requirements of the minors. It is being witnessed that in many cases the guardians after receiving a full-fledged authority over the young and their finances, humiliate and hamper very basic rights of the wards.
The courts put files of these cases in dark and do not call upon the guardian, wards or witnesses to monitor proper maintenance and welfare of the minor.
In many cases the wards are on the mercy of uncaring and cruel guardians and the courts are not aware of these terrible conditions.
It is hereby requested that the courts call all the concerned (guardian/ wards/ witnesses) after a period of every two months to become aware regarding the welfare of the ward, so that they are brought up in a responsible manner.
Muhammad Waseem Elahi